Thursday, June 21, 2012

ICBM Nuke Over Another Nation Can They Sue for Fallout?

What the heck is the deal with all these missile defense systems going up all around the world? And exactly what are they supposed to shoot down anyway - a stray nuclear warhead or ICBM coming over from God knows where? It is pretty hard to shoot something out of the sky that you can't see, and don't know when it's coming, or how many of them are on their way. You have to rely on a system that does all the work automatically by itself, without any human intervention.
Let me ask you something. Have you ever known a computerized system built by humans which is 100% flawless? Have you ever known a computer system to have 100% uptime? You see, I haven't. And the future of missile defense systems intercepting ICBM nukes that are shot in a swarm sequence doesn't seem probable, especially when the nation that is firing them will probably also fire off many decoys with them at the same time. How you know which ones are the nukes, you have to shoot them all down, and how you know you won't run out of missile defense shield missiles on the first couple waves?
What if the offensive nation is waiting until you run out of defense missiles to actually deliver the nuke? Next, what if the nation next door to you has a missile defense system, starts a conflict with another nation that has nukes, and that other nation fires upon this nation that is next you? What happens if that nation does shoot down one of those nukes scattering radiation all over the place? Do they have an insurance policy, because some of that radiation is going to land in your territory because you are the nation next door, and just because it was intended for the other nation doesn't mean you won't get your dose of the fallout.
Next, who is to say they will not shoot the missile down which is incoming while it is still over your border, and coming over your country? Do you have the right to sue the offensive nation to pay you for that radiation fallout? Or what about the nation that shot down the missile while it was flying, causing the radiation to spill into your country, can you sue them? Would an international court allow that, does anyone have insurance for this sort of thing?
A rogue regime that fires a nuclear missile at another nation may find that the defensive nation's allies reciprocate with nuclear missiles of their own. That means the offending nation won't have a government to sue when it's all over anyway and after the dust settles. You may think this is a far-fetched concept, but have you ever thought about it? We do have international courts, and we do hold leaders accountable when they do atrocious things. How is your nation which has been damaged due to fallout going to be made whole in that international court?

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