Thursday, June 28, 2012

NATO and G8 Conference Security - How Safe Are They

Apparently, the G8 conference location has been moved from Illinois, Chicagoland, to Camp David. Why you ask? Because Russia's Putin didn't feel it was safe in Chicago. May I be so bold as to ask; why? Does Mr. Putin know something we don't know, after all he is former KGB, and understands the spy game, he also knows that the United States is still under international terrorist threats. In fact, Russia is intermingling with many of those terrorist organizations, just as we are perhaps. And just as Syria, Iran, and some of our other foes are.
Even though the G8 conference has moved locations, the NATO Congress will be held in Chicagoland, and if something does happen, perhaps we could ask Putin who was involved after the fact? That's a scary thought, but things just don't seem right in light of the changes being made presently. Okay so, let's talk about this for second, let me offer you some more evidence, and no, this isn't a conspiracy theory, but we all know that the world is filled with less than desirables, who certainly don't have the United States' best interests in mind.
The New York Times published an interesting article on May 10, 2012 titled; "Putin to Skip Group of 8 Session, Delaying Postelection Meeting With Obama," by Helene Cooper and Ellen Barry. Putin stated that he would not attend the meeting;
"Noting his responsibilities to finalize cabinet appointments in the new Russian government, President Putin expressed his regret that he would be unable to attend the G-8 Summit at Camp but welcomed the participation of Russian Prime Minister Medvedev at the G-8 Summit." The White House said that Mr. Putin and Mr. Obama would meet next month at the next big meeting of world leaders, in Los Cabos, Mexico."
Why is it that Putin will not meet with President Obama on US soil - that does not sound much of a reset to me? Is he afraid it might send the wrong message to his loyalist former Soviet followers, then one must ask if he is attempting some sort of Russian Communist revival through hardcore nationalism? Is meeting in Cabos, Mexico some sort of appeasement by the Obama Administration, allowing Putin dictate the terms and location of the meeting? Is that city even safe with regards to narco-terrorists, FARC infiltration, drug lords, and the like? Again, I dare to ask the questions because apparently no one else is.
If these meetings of world leaders cannot be held safely, and if it is not safe to meet in the United States of America, then perhaps it's time we bring on holographic technology, and leave everyone in their own domain, country, and where they feel the safest and in control. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
Update as of the publishing of this article: May 12, 2012, "Riot Gear, Sound Cannons for Chicago NATO Summit," and 10s of 1000s of demonstrators will be in Chicago to protest the annual NATO conference, and police are preparing with the help of one million dollars' worth of weapons and riot gear.

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